Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Oh that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes."   I think of this verse and it sounds to me as an exasperated cry from one who is lazy.  I know that David wasn't like that, but for me, so often I "want" to be close to the Lord, but am unwilling to put in the effort required to be close.  I pray for the Lord to help me be this of that, to help me with this or that, etc. but never let Him have His way when He sends the "lessons".  I fail each test and get a big, fat F on each day's report card!  Why do I do this over and over and over?  How stupid can I be?  How unbelievably lazy!  Sometimes I'm shocked that Jeremiah 17:9 is actually true!  I so often find myself thinking that I'm not so bad.  Look at how God has blessed me!  But those blessings should make me even more grateful and humble before God; even more dependent on Him and even more willing to work toward a closer relationship with Him and yet I continue to be lazy.  IT'S A CHOICE.  Did you read that?  A CHOICE.  My Mom told me that everything I do is a choice and she is right.  If I'm lazy-it's my choice to be.  "Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthenth me."  I just saw that little word, "which".  I take this to mean that I will be strengthened when I realize that I CAN do all things through Christ!  How cool.  I never saw that before I don't think!  But again-it's a choice.  Will I do that which is required of me and be strengthened?    Choices-that's where the rubber meets the road.


  1. How true. Thank you for this reminder. If my faith isn't true "where the rubber meets the road", it isn't of much good is it? These are good thoughts to meditate on and I will be reading this one again. Thank you, love you.

  2. I actually took the time to read this again and I'm really thankful to the Lord for bringing this to my mind. He is so kind.
