Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Heard such a good Father's Day message this morning.  What a need we have today for real men and fathers who are willing to step up and be men.  I'm thankful for my husband.  He's a real man and a good man.  I appreciate his acceptance of his responsibility.  He's a good example for our children and as we heard today, a faithful father plays an invaluable part in the lives of his children. 
Ahren, thank you for being faithful and true to your family.  We love you and look up to you.  Thank you for leading us in good paths and for following the Lord and being faithful to Him.  We know that you aren't perfect but you're perfect for us! 


  1. That was a nice post. He is a good man for sure!
    What a blessing a good father is. I surely do miss mine (and I know you do too)

    1. I do miss Grampa. How special he was and his memory is too!
