Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fun with my little sister...
Today was a crazy day because I was in such a crazy mood!  I'm telling you I was down right weird, but Anna and I sure had some great laughs!  I needed it and I think she needed to see that I can still be crazy every now and then! and that we can still laugh together.  That I'm not an old worn out shoe  :-)  even though somedays I feel like one!  :-)  Hahaha.  On a more serious note...Anna, I did enjoy the day with you!  and I can still see you sitting on a brownie!  HAHAHAHAHA...
Folks, she really didn't sit on a brownie and my reference to it, I will in no way be able to explain!  :-)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

36 years!

Well, I can't believe that I'm 36 this year.  4 more years til I'm 40!!  Yikes!  Well, my consolation is that I don't feel one bit old!  I plan on aging gracefully! no matter what age I'm saddled with  :-) 
I have so much to be thankful for!!  God has blessed me so much that sometimes I tell Him that I feel like I'm one of His special children-that He shows me special favor.  I know that's not true of course, but it is true that the Lord has blessed me abundantly.  He's given me the love of a good man, 3 children that I love with all my heart, a little house, a cool car, good health, family, friends, etc.  I don't deserve His goodness, but I'm grateful from the bottom of my heart for it! 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Our Little Things

I love it when God shows you that He cares about the tinniest things that happen in my life!
That He really does care about the wedding bands you accidently flushed down the drain and I'll prove it-I'll let you find them again!  This is story I heard tonight.  That the town? flitered the drains and pawed through all the junk and found her rings!  God protected those rings!  They meant something to her!  I love experiencing it in my life!  I just love how GOD reminds me that I am before His eyes at all times, that everything I do is seen, everything that I say or think is heard and known and that He still cares about the littlest details of my life-that what concerns me concerns Him!  Thank you Lord, for being such a kind and wonderful Heavenly Father!  

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Oatmeal Raisin Yogurt Muffins

Hello folks!  This is a fantastic recipe! and a healthier version!!   I omitted the raisins, but add if you like them!

1 c. flour
1 c. rolled oats (I used quick oats)
1/2 c. packed brown sugar
1+1/2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. salt
1/4. t. cinnamon
1/2 c. raisins, plumped (optional)
1 c. Dannon Light & Fit Vanilla or Strawberry non-fat yogurt ( I used Strawberry)
1 large egg, beaten lightly
2 T. oil

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Lightly grease muffin tins or use papers.  In bowl, stir together flour, oats, brown sugar, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and the raisins; in another bowl whisk together nonfat yogurt, egg and oil. 
Stir the nonfat yogurt mixture into the flour mixture and stir the batter until it is just combined.
Divide the batter among 10 cavities and bake the muffins on the middle oven rack for 22-25 minutes.
Yield: 10 servings (1 muffin per serving)

Nutrition facts:
Amount Per Serving using Dannon Light & Fit Vanilla Nonfat Yogurt
Calories 180, Calories from Fat 35, Total Fat 4g, Saturated Fat 0g, Trans Fat 0g, Cholesterol 20mg, Sodium 230mg, Carbohydrates 33g, Dietary Fiber 1g, Protein 4g, Calcium 4% DV

Amount Per Serving Using Dannon Light & Fit Strawberry Nonfat Yogurt
Calories 189, Calories from Fat 35, Total Fat 4g, Saturated Fat 0g, Trans Fat 0g, Cholesterol 20mg, Sodiumj 230mg, Carbohydrates 33g, Dietary Fiber 1g, Protein 4g, Calcium 4% dv


Friday, August 3, 2012

Our 11th Anniversary

Tomorrow we celebrate our 11th anniversary!  It doesn't seem possible it's been that long already!  I can honestly say that marriage gets better & love grows deeper with time.  Ahren, I love you so much.  I cannot put into words what my heart feels toward you.  I grow more grateful to the Lord for you every day.  I love you and need you so much.  I depend on you all the time and your presence is so comforting and encouraging.  Thank you so much for your love and faithfulness.  I want nothing more than to grow old with you the one who holds my heart.

Happy Anniversary, Ahren

Have you ever thought about what it means to be under the shadow of the Almighty?

Under the Almighty's shadow there is comfort in pain
There is peace in a storm
And a friend who never fails

Under the Almighty's shadow
There is peace that passes understanding
A refuge from trouble
And a shield from all harm

Under the Almighty's shadow
There is a haven of rest
A balm for the soul
A place of quiet and joy

Under the Almighty's shadow
There is mercy and grace
Undeserved and graciously given

Under the Almighty's shadow
There is complete forgiveness
Complete acceptance
And a place of belonging

Under the Almighty's shadow
There is the knowledge that
God is my protector
God is my comfort
God is my joy and peace
God is my healer
God is my Father

God is the ALMIGHTY, under whose shadow He has placed me---safely and forever.

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."  Psalm 91:1