Friday, August 3, 2012

Our 11th Anniversary

Tomorrow we celebrate our 11th anniversary!  It doesn't seem possible it's been that long already!  I can honestly say that marriage gets better & love grows deeper with time.  Ahren, I love you so much.  I cannot put into words what my heart feels toward you.  I grow more grateful to the Lord for you every day.  I love you and need you so much.  I depend on you all the time and your presence is so comforting and encouraging.  Thank you so much for your love and faithfulness.  I want nothing more than to grow old with you the one who holds my heart.

Happy Anniversary, Ahren


  1. That was beautiful. We truly did remember you on your anniversary. Grammy, Uncle Syd and I talked about it on Sat. and I really meant to have her give you guys a call Sat. evening, but alas, it did not happen. We did remember though and hope you had a wonderful day together. I cannot believe it's been 11 years though! Take care.

  2. I can't believe it either!! But it's been good and I'd certainly do it over again!! Thanks for thinking of us!!
