Friday, November 16, 2012

"...He hath dealt boutifully with me." 

Had a dream last night about end time events-I know, strange.  It was actually a very cool and exciting dream!  It was sooo vivid and real!  I rememeber seeing everything that was happening and thinking to myself how happy I was that my children were saved!  I said, "The Lord's coming is any second, I know it's always been any second but it REALLY is any second now!!  We're going to hear the trumpet soon!!"  The song, "Your Redemption Draweth Nigh" was in my mind in my dream too.   I got up about 6:00 and it was still dark and Ahren was leaving for work and  I was a bit disturbed in my heart and sought comfort from God's Word.  I've been reading through the Psalms and came to chapter 13:5-6 which states, "But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.  I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me."  I know that these times are scary and I really try not to think of all that could happen, but God's Word is where we need to find our comfort and strength.  We KNOW the LIVING GOD!  HE IS VICTOR!  He HAS dealt bountifully with me!  His mercy IS everlasting-Praise the Lord!  We DO have MUCH reason to sing!  The world needs to hear our song, that they might receive the love of the truth-our precious Lord Jesus.  (2 Thess. 2:10)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Virtuous Woman

I just want to thank the Lord for my grandmother.  She and Grampa were married 63 years!  In the years I've known her, I've NEVER known her to do something wrong.  That's remarkable!  I spent a lot of time with her.  Even as a young child, I remember her being frustrated with me at times, but never out of control.  She has always, only been nothing but kind, sweet, understanding, empathetic, patient and wise.  She has encouraged me so many times.  Her faith in the Lord is strong and steady.  Gram was and still is always busy!  She is NOT idle!  God has truly blessed Gram and me!  I'm grateful for the heritage she has been building and that she will leave behind one day.  I will always cherish her and respect her too.  She is my beloved Grandmother.
"Oh that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes."   I think of this verse and it sounds to me as an exasperated cry from one who is lazy.  I know that David wasn't like that, but for me, so often I "want" to be close to the Lord, but am unwilling to put in the effort required to be close.  I pray for the Lord to help me be this of that, to help me with this or that, etc. but never let Him have His way when He sends the "lessons".  I fail each test and get a big, fat F on each day's report card!  Why do I do this over and over and over?  How stupid can I be?  How unbelievably lazy!  Sometimes I'm shocked that Jeremiah 17:9 is actually true!  I so often find myself thinking that I'm not so bad.  Look at how God has blessed me!  But those blessings should make me even more grateful and humble before God; even more dependent on Him and even more willing to work toward a closer relationship with Him and yet I continue to be lazy.  IT'S A CHOICE.  Did you read that?  A CHOICE.  My Mom told me that everything I do is a choice and she is right.  If I'm lazy-it's my choice to be.  "Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthenth me."  I just saw that little word, "which".  I take this to mean that I will be strengthened when I realize that I CAN do all things through Christ!  How cool.  I never saw that before I don't think!  But again-it's a choice.  Will I do that which is required of me and be strengthened?    Choices-that's where the rubber meets the road.
The Importance of Gentleness

I'm reading through the Psalms and this morning I'm in chapter 6.  I've read these verses so many times, yet today God used them to speak to me about how I deal with my children when they've done something wrong.  Verses 1 & 2 say, "O LORD, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure.  Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for I am weak..." 
I shouldn't "rebuke" my children in anger or "chasten them in hot displeasure" because they are weak- mentally, emotionally and physically.  Angry words wound deeply and how often I've been the cause of those wounds.  I don't want that to continue!  "A soft answer turneth away wrath..." 
 I am seeing more and more just how important GENTLENESS is.  Psalms 18:35 says, "...and thy gentleness hath made me great."  Gentleness speaks to the heart.  It draws one to a peaceable place and opens the ears of the heart.  God has been working in me concerning anger and He is patiently bringing me to a new place in my life where anger doesn't reign supreme!  How thankful I am for the Lord's love and grace!!  I want to be controlled by His gentlenss and His mercy.  I don't want to overlook wrong, but to deal with it in the right way.  I want my children's view of God to be a loving view.  I want them to see the Lord's control of me and my emotions. 

The other night I couldn't sleep so I went out to read a book called "Creative Correction".  In this book the author has sections she calls the "Toolbox".  They are verses or stories that one can use to help in the various situations that arise in a day.  I was reading about anger. The verse to read was Proverbs 10:12, "Hatred stirreth up strife: but love covereth all sins."  I wondered what "covereth" meant in the Strong's concordance.  There were various words mentioned but "overwhelm" stuck out at me.   It made me think that if you respond in gentleness, that gentleness could overwhelm the anger that may have occured instead.  I can make my children obey, but if they aren't obeying from the heart they're really not obeying.  I want to be gentle and merciful and pray that by God's grace and control my children will obey from the heart and that's how I want to respond to the Lord as well.
I also, as well as my children, need to learn to hear God's voice in the authority's voice.  If there is someone over me-I need to remember that the Lord wants me to obey and so it is HIS voice I need to listen to and obey not the person speaking to me.  This is hard to do, but when simply obeying the Lord becomes more and more a habit, I believe it will be easier to do. 

These thought from the Lord have been a blessing to me and a huge help too.  God is so good.  I'm so thankful that He loves me in spite of who I am.  I'm thankful He gave me my children.  I love them so much.  I want to love them better-they deserve it!!  What a great, loving and gentle heavenly Father we have.  "Thank You, Dear Lord for being God."

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Went to Panera Bread tonight with Ahren and Jaden and Anna!  We had a nice evening together and of course a yummy supper :-)  How can you go wrong with Panera, right?!!  Well, I tried the Bacon Turkey Bravo-pretty good, but not as good as the Chipotle Chicken Sandwich-my favorite!  I also really like the Orchard Harvest Salad.  I love the dried cherries and fresh pear pieces in it-Mmmmm.  Well, I hope that you get a chance to go.  Tell me what your favorite is  :-) 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Good first week of school!  The kids love it and they like they're DVD teachers too!  Ethan said it's his best school ever! and Megan wanted to do school Sat.!  She couldn't though-bummer right!  Well, I'm thankful and pray it continues and we have a good, profitable and enjoyable year.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

School Days Have Begun

Well, school has begun!  The kids are enjoying it very much, for which I am VERY thankful!  They're using the ABEKA DVD's and really enjoy their teachers!  I hope that it frees me up to get more accomplished around the house and maybe even some project time!  or nap time?  :-)   Jaden hasn't been sleeping really well that past few nights  :-(   Anyway, I'm thankful, very thankful that we can teach the kids at home!  My little ones are growing up so fast.  If you think of me, please pray that God will help me so that I'm less impatient and irritable and more kind, loving, friendly and happy!  I want the kids to see these good things in my life.  Thanks!
Well, happy school year to all you parents and kiddos!  Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks will be here before we know it!  Yikes!  :-)    Have a GREAT day!
Morning Glory Muffins I
recipe image
Rated: rating
Submitted By: JACLYN
Photo By: dabblingdiva
Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Ready In: 35 Minutes
Servings: 18
"This muffin has a little bit of everything - carrots, raisins, apple butter, wheat germ, nuts. A perfect start for your day!"
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 1/4 cups white sugar
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups grated carrots
1 apple - peeled, cored, and chopped
1 cup raisins
1 egg
2 egg whites
1/2 cup apple butter
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons chopped walnuts
2 tablespoons toasted wheat germ
1.Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Lightly oil 18 muffin cups, or coat with nonstick cooking spray.
2.In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs, egg whites, apple butter, oil and vanilla.
3.In a large bowl, stir together flours, sugar, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir in carrots, apples and raisins. Stir in apple butter mixture until just moistened. Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin cups, filling them about 3/4 full.
4.In a small bowl, combine walnuts and wheat germ; sprinkle over the muffin tops.
5.Bake at 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) for 15 to 20 minutes, or until the tops are golden and spring back when lightly pressed.
Servings Per Recipe: 18
Calories: 194
Amount Per Serving
  • Total Fat: 4.2g
  • Cholesterol: 12mg
  • Sodium: 175mg
Amount Per Serving
  • Total Carbs: 37.3g
  • Dietary Fiber: 2g
  • Protein: 3.1g
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2012 Allrecipes.comPrinted from 9/6/2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fun with my little sister...
Today was a crazy day because I was in such a crazy mood!  I'm telling you I was down right weird, but Anna and I sure had some great laughs!  I needed it and I think she needed to see that I can still be crazy every now and then! and that we can still laugh together.  That I'm not an old worn out shoe  :-)  even though somedays I feel like one!  :-)  Hahaha.  On a more serious note...Anna, I did enjoy the day with you!  and I can still see you sitting on a brownie!  HAHAHAHAHA...
Folks, she really didn't sit on a brownie and my reference to it, I will in no way be able to explain!  :-)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

36 years!

Well, I can't believe that I'm 36 this year.  4 more years til I'm 40!!  Yikes!  Well, my consolation is that I don't feel one bit old!  I plan on aging gracefully! no matter what age I'm saddled with  :-) 
I have so much to be thankful for!!  God has blessed me so much that sometimes I tell Him that I feel like I'm one of His special children-that He shows me special favor.  I know that's not true of course, but it is true that the Lord has blessed me abundantly.  He's given me the love of a good man, 3 children that I love with all my heart, a little house, a cool car, good health, family, friends, etc.  I don't deserve His goodness, but I'm grateful from the bottom of my heart for it! 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Our Little Things

I love it when God shows you that He cares about the tinniest things that happen in my life!
That He really does care about the wedding bands you accidently flushed down the drain and I'll prove it-I'll let you find them again!  This is story I heard tonight.  That the town? flitered the drains and pawed through all the junk and found her rings!  God protected those rings!  They meant something to her!  I love experiencing it in my life!  I just love how GOD reminds me that I am before His eyes at all times, that everything I do is seen, everything that I say or think is heard and known and that He still cares about the littlest details of my life-that what concerns me concerns Him!  Thank you Lord, for being such a kind and wonderful Heavenly Father!  

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Oatmeal Raisin Yogurt Muffins

Hello folks!  This is a fantastic recipe! and a healthier version!!   I omitted the raisins, but add if you like them!

1 c. flour
1 c. rolled oats (I used quick oats)
1/2 c. packed brown sugar
1+1/2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. salt
1/4. t. cinnamon
1/2 c. raisins, plumped (optional)
1 c. Dannon Light & Fit Vanilla or Strawberry non-fat yogurt ( I used Strawberry)
1 large egg, beaten lightly
2 T. oil

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Lightly grease muffin tins or use papers.  In bowl, stir together flour, oats, brown sugar, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and the raisins; in another bowl whisk together nonfat yogurt, egg and oil. 
Stir the nonfat yogurt mixture into the flour mixture and stir the batter until it is just combined.
Divide the batter among 10 cavities and bake the muffins on the middle oven rack for 22-25 minutes.
Yield: 10 servings (1 muffin per serving)

Nutrition facts:
Amount Per Serving using Dannon Light & Fit Vanilla Nonfat Yogurt
Calories 180, Calories from Fat 35, Total Fat 4g, Saturated Fat 0g, Trans Fat 0g, Cholesterol 20mg, Sodium 230mg, Carbohydrates 33g, Dietary Fiber 1g, Protein 4g, Calcium 4% DV

Amount Per Serving Using Dannon Light & Fit Strawberry Nonfat Yogurt
Calories 189, Calories from Fat 35, Total Fat 4g, Saturated Fat 0g, Trans Fat 0g, Cholesterol 20mg, Sodiumj 230mg, Carbohydrates 33g, Dietary Fiber 1g, Protein 4g, Calcium 4% dv


Friday, August 3, 2012

Our 11th Anniversary

Tomorrow we celebrate our 11th anniversary!  It doesn't seem possible it's been that long already!  I can honestly say that marriage gets better & love grows deeper with time.  Ahren, I love you so much.  I cannot put into words what my heart feels toward you.  I grow more grateful to the Lord for you every day.  I love you and need you so much.  I depend on you all the time and your presence is so comforting and encouraging.  Thank you so much for your love and faithfulness.  I want nothing more than to grow old with you the one who holds my heart.

Happy Anniversary, Ahren

Have you ever thought about what it means to be under the shadow of the Almighty?

Under the Almighty's shadow there is comfort in pain
There is peace in a storm
And a friend who never fails

Under the Almighty's shadow
There is peace that passes understanding
A refuge from trouble
And a shield from all harm

Under the Almighty's shadow
There is a haven of rest
A balm for the soul
A place of quiet and joy

Under the Almighty's shadow
There is mercy and grace
Undeserved and graciously given

Under the Almighty's shadow
There is complete forgiveness
Complete acceptance
And a place of belonging

Under the Almighty's shadow
There is the knowledge that
God is my protector
God is my comfort
God is my joy and peace
God is my healer
God is my Father

God is the ALMIGHTY, under whose shadow He has placed me---safely and forever.

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."  Psalm 91:1

Monday, July 23, 2012

Megan got saved last night!!!  Ethan said to her, "I thought you were saved when you were six."  Megan's reply, "Well, Ethan I maybe did, but I don't know."  She says she knows now!  Ahren and I are very happy and thankful!!  Please pray with us that the Lord would bless Megan, Ethan and that He would help Jaden to be saved as soon as he is old enough to be saved.  We're praising the Lord here! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

So after slacking off for at least 2 weeks, I'm back at it!  Changing my food intake and trying to up my exercise!  I want to succeed at this and reach my 1st goal-I'm shooting for Aug. 4th!  Please pray for me to let God help me to stay focused and determined especially in the hardest part of the journey.  I've got a friend who is very competitive and she is helping me out so I'm super thankful for her!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Special Butter Cream Frosting

Okay!  Here is the best frosting for decorating or simply frosting your cake!  It's super easy and fun to work with!!  I wish I had found this years ago!!  Give it a try and let me know what you think.  Personally, I think it's best for decorating.

2 cups shortening
8 cups 10x sugar ( confectionary)
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons clear vanilla  (only use clear if you want super white frosting.  Use the regular vanilla if you don't care if the color is more of a creamy white.  You can get the clear vanilla in the cake decorating isle of Walmart for $4.00.  It will last forever!)
6 fluid ounces of heavy cream

1.  Cream shortening until fluffy.  Add 10x sugar and continue creaming until well blended.

2.  Add salt, vanilla, and heavy cream and blend on low until moistened.  Add additional cream if necessary (up to 2 ounces).

3.  Beat at high speed til frosting is fluffy. 

This is so easy and fun!  I hope you enjoy it too!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Strive to Remember

You know, I was just thinking of all the posts over the 4th honoring our soldiers and reminding us to pray for and uphold them and well we should!  They need our prayer desperately!  But I feel that so often we forget that many of those soldiers have wives and children here at home, eagerly waiting for the day when their soldier comes home!  They are struggling.  They are hurting.  They are longing for the warmth of their husband's and father's hug.  They must struggle with fear and loneliness.  I'm not writing this to discourage anyone who may be reading, I just want to point out the we often forget the loved ones of the soldiers.  Those soldiers are praying for their families to be safe and to be strong.  We need to uphold them too!  Let's not forget the soldier's families. 
To all military families ... May the Lord hold you close to Himself and protect you and keep you strong til your soldier comes home!
For those grieving the loss of loved ones, your loved one is our hero and we honor their memory.
So we took the kids on Friday to Rose Hill Manor Park in Frederick, Md.  What a nice place!  Our kids had a great time!  It was about and a 1 1/2-2 hour tour of the mansion-carriage house, ice house, a log cabin, blacksmith shop, and the manor.  Very hands on!  The kids could card wool, they were able to try weaving, they grated cinnamon sticks, and ground a sugar cube with a mortar & pestle.  They got to try on a few clothes that the kids wore and play with a few toys.  Jaden loved the little table with the little "baby-sized" dishes and spoons!  He just kept pretending to eat.  Was so cute!  We all really enjoyed it.  It was a nice family outing-relaxing and fun. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Kids are having a sleepover tonight!  I think the girls are the most excited!  They're planning the paint fingernails, play dress-up and takes pictures of everything!   The boys are just glad to have to time to be together!  Happy they were able to stay the night! 

Monday, June 25, 2012

What a great devotion today!  I hope you enjoy it and that the Lord speaks to your heart too!

This is the reading for June 25, taken from "Streams In The Desert".

The Scripture passage is Exodus 14:15-16

"Dear child of God, just imagine that triumphal march!  Picture the excited children being constantly hushed and restrained by their parents from their outburst of wonder.   Think how the women must have experienced an uncontrollable excitement as they found themselves suddenly saved from a fate worse than death.  Imagine how the men who accompanied them must have felt ashamed and admonished for mistrusting God and for complaining against Moses.  And as you envision the Red Sea's mighty walls of water, separated by the outstretched hand of the Eternal in response to the faith of a single man, learn what God will do for His own. 
Never dread any consequence resulting from absolute obedience to His command.  Never fear the rough waters ahead, which through their proud contempt impede your progress.  God is greater than the roar of raging water and the mighty waves of the sea.  "The LORD sits enthroned over the flld; the LORD is enthroned as King forever" (Psalm 29:19)  A storm is simply the hem of His robe, the sign of His coming, and the evidence of His presence. 
Dare to trust Him!  Dare to follow Him!  Then discover that the forces that blocked your progress and threatened your life become at His command the very materials He uses to build your street of freedom.  F.B. Meyer"

"Have you come to the Red Sea place in your life,
Where, in sprite of all you can do,
There is no way out, there is no way back,
There is no other way but through?
Then wait on the Lord with a trust serene
Till the night of your fear is gone;
He will send the wind, He will heap the floods,
When He says to your soul, "Move on."
And His hand will lead you through-clear through-
Ere the watery walls roll down,
No foe can reach you, no wave can touch,
No mightiest sea can drown;
The tossing billows may rear their crests,
Their foam at your feet may break,
But o'er the seabed you will walk dry ground
In the path that your Lord will make.
In the morning watch, 'neath the lifted cloud,
You will see but the Lord alone,
When He leads you on from the place of the sea
To a land that you have not known;
And your fears will pass as your foes have passed,
You will be no more afraid;
You will sing His praise in a better place,
A place the His hand has made." 
~Annie Johnson Flint

Today is Ahren's 32nd birthday!  How I love my man.  He is so good to me.  I couldn't have asked for a more perfect person for me-that's how I know he was chosen for me by God.  We bought him grilling tools-Ahren is great at grilling.  Everything he makes tastes soooo good.  I try to grill and nothing turns out right!  Ahren has it down to a science!  He did bbq chicken tonight and as usual it was "finger-lickin'" good! 
Ahren, thank you for your commitment to me and our children.  I love you so much!  You're a great Dad and our kids love, adore and respect you.  Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Spinach Artichoke Dip

This is my sister-in-laws recipe and WOW is it GOOD!!!!  I don't like artichoke, but you'ld never know it was in this.  Don't make this unless you're having lots of people over-you will want to eat it by spoonfuls  :-)  Absolutely delicious!

The following is approxomate because she didn't measure...

2 c. of cooked, chopped spinach
2 c. artichoke hearts - probably 1 can chopped
2 pkg. of Queso Blanco cheese or Monteray Jack cheese, grated or shredded
1 pkg. of shredded Parmesan cheese
1/2 finely chopped onion
4-6 heaping T. of mayo
enough milk to make it all creamy not liquidy

Bake in a oven safe dish at 360-370 degrees for 15 minutes or til cheeses melt.

P.S.  Tweak to your liking!!

Week 3

Well, I've begun week 3 working out!  I'm doing JNL Fusion workout from  Talk about a workout!!  I challenge you to try it!!  I haven't really lost anything yet, but I'm working on it!  It's bound to show up sometime and IT BETTER!!!!!!
Megan's working out with me today!!  :-)  I wonder if she'll be sore tomorrow?  Probably not  :-)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Heard such a good Father's Day message this morning.  What a need we have today for real men and fathers who are willing to step up and be men.  I'm thankful for my husband.  He's a real man and a good man.  I appreciate his acceptance of his responsibility.  He's a good example for our children and as we heard today, a faithful father plays an invaluable part in the lives of his children. 
Ahren, thank you for being faithful and true to your family.  We love you and look up to you.  Thank you for leading us in good paths and for following the Lord and being faithful to Him.  We know that you aren't perfect but you're perfect for us! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Workout Update:

Okay, well so far I've done 30 mintues of aerobics!  I've drunk 3 cups of water only 7 to go!!  I HATE this, but I know it's the only way.  I'm trying not to think of tomorrow  :-) or the next day or that this is what I need to do forever!  That actually turns into a nightmare!!  :-}
This is what I want and I want the results enough to stick to it. Praise the Lord He is with me every second of my day!! With His help I will see results!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Since I last posted, my sister has been married!!!  She married Jason Altland just about 4 months to the day they started writing!!  Fast yes, but when you know, you know!  Very happy for them both!!

Also, I want to say that I'm super proud of all my friends who have lost weight!  You've done a great job and have put me to shame many times!  I need to really commit and that's what I've not done.  I want to see the same results but without the effort needed and it's just not going to happen that way.  So, from this day on I'm commiting.  I don't know how I'll do, but I want to join the club of happy, thinner people!!  Keep up the great work!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Wow, what a day!  My sister left my house Friday night with her boyfriend after going shopping with me and then walked into church this morning engaged!!!  Talk about fast!  Her ring is beautiful and I will soon have a new brother-in-law!  I'm very happy for them both! 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Softball Game

We went to Ahren's 2nd softball game tonight and his team won!  Yay!! 
During practice however, a little girl was hit by a ball one of the guys missed.  She wasn't hurt badly-Praise the Lord, but her father wanted her to lay down the rest of the game.  I sat with her.  At one point she wanted to fall asleep, but she didn't!  She did really good.  By the end of the game she was sitting up.  I think her dad was going to take her to the doctors for a check-up to make sure she didn't have a concusion or anything else wrong.  Just really happy she was okay!!
What a "game"!   I hope the Thursday night game is much better!  Go Exploding Ducks!!
P.S.  Ahren didn't name his team and I haven't heard anyone shouting the team name yet-including myself.  I just can't bring myself to scream, "Go Exploding Ducks, GO!!"  Oh, and I should keep a tally of all the "fly" balls!  Hahahaha.

Monday, May 28, 2012

This is the first year that I put out flags for Memorial Day.  I don't know why I haven't done so before.  It is important for us to remember that many have died for the freedoms we so often take for granted.  I want to thank my brothers, serving in the Air Force and Army, among the many others, for their faithful service and sacrifice.  I appreciate you both and I'm so proud of you!  I also want to thank my father-in-law for his service during Vietnam; my brother-in-law, who served in the Marines and did his tour in Iraq; my cousin, who is currently serving in the Army; my husband's cousin in the Air Force; and Charlie, who gave the ultimate sacrifice.  You all hold a place of pride in our hearts and you deserve to be recognized.
It is my hope that my children will love America and recognize what a great country we've been blessed to be born into.  May they also learn to thank God for our freedom and pray that He will continue to bless our nation: that He will continue to shower His mercy on this land.
 Alexis de Tocqueville once said "...America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." 
In spite of many who desire to erase God from our country, God has continued His underserved grace.  May the "good" prevail!  Stay true to the right!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

On the way home today, a firetruck pasted us with a fireman's bare leg and foot hanging out the window!  A rare and rather strange sight! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First Blog

Well, I am now an official blogger!   I don't know what I'm going to blog about, but probably it will be a random jotting of thoughts.
It took a bit of time to come up with a name for my blog, but I like the one I've chosen.